Winter Has Arrived


Photographed by Corrissa Frank

Trail 2

Photographed by Corrissa Frank

As I sat at my desk today, I saw the sun beaming down and hitting the new white blanket of snow. I reached for my camera and jacket, and headed outside to feel the crisp air and hear the crackle of snow underneath my boots.
As I walked up the tower and made the first mark on the white powder, I heard a flutter. I spotted two black-capped chickadees fluttering around the bird feeder. A few seconds later, I saw 10 or more other chickadees scattered in the trees.
I followed my footsteps back down the tower and began to explore Cattail Trail behind our Nature Center. The heavy snow weighed down branches that usually were beyond my reach. I had to duck underneath these branches, exploring a winter wonderland- my own “cave.”

Trail BW

Photographed by Corrissa Frank

The wind swooshed and took a dusting of snow with its force.
After I dodged through the weighed down branches, Cattail Trail broke free from its tree covering into an open walkway.  I pushed through the swirling wind and had a beautiful view of Two Rivers.  
The first snowfall always solidifies that it is now, in fact, winter. It is the season of hot cocoa, celebrations with friends and family, and thankfulness.
Here at Woodland Dunes Nature Center, we are always thankful for our supporters in the community. There are so many ways to give.

Giving opportunities:

1.    Become a member
2.    Volunteer
3.    Donate
4.    Attend our programs/events
5.    Ways to give this shopping season that are FREE:
       –GoodSearch -Use as your search engine
       –Amazon Smile


WD and Barn

Photographed by Corrissa Frank

Keep an eye on our winter programs/events, and remember that we have snowshoes available for rent for $5.00 per person for members and $8.00 per person for non-members. If you are interested, please call ahead to see if they are available.
Our trails are closed until December 10th (Cattail trail and part of Willow Trail are open- located at our Nature Center) for gun season.
Our staff wishes you the best as your holiday adventures begin!

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