Beautiful flowers that are often given for gifts on Mother’s Day or other special events of spring, can actually be found right in your backyard. With the right habitat and care, orchids are native to Wisconsin with about 18 different … Continue reading
Category Archives: Forest
We live in an imperfect world. Or rather, what we see as imperfection is actually the way things should be sometimes. A forest is a complicated place. There are hundreds, or thousands, or if you include the soil hundreds of … Continue reading
As the snow melts, again, the forest floor once more emerges, and the plants and animals that rested under their frozen quilt can again see the light of day. And be seen by us. I’m always happy to see the … Continue reading
Here we are, mid-March and caught in the tension zone between winter and summer. The difference a few degrees of Earth’s attitude toward or away from the Sun makes is profound, and already trees are budding, lawns are … Continue reading