After the recent ice storm, a couple of mild weather days afforded us the first opportunity to do habitat work in reasonable comfort. With the help of volunteer Ray and intern Mikayla, we took to the forest to continue where … Continue reading
Category Archives: Seasons
Even though it’s the middle of winter and seemingly too cold for such things, nature’s soap opera has been unfolding in my neighborhood. I tune in each night, quietly listening to catch the latest happenings. It started about a month … Continue reading
I’m glad that we experience the quarterly changing of seasons. Like so many, I look forward to fall after the warm muggy summer we experienced, or perhaps are still experiencing. Although I know from the calendar that the seasons are … Continue reading
We seem to be in some kind of seasonal purgatory right now, with our mild winter not wanting to give in to spring. I suspect the movements of migratory birds are being limited, as they often are, by persistent north … Continue reading
As the snow melts, again, the forest floor once more emerges, and the plants and animals that rested under their frozen quilt can again see the light of day. And be seen by us. I’m always happy to see the … Continue reading