by Jessica Johnsrud, Woodland Dunes Education Coordinator This time of year, I look forward to a special performance that, for me, signifies spring has arrived. The show starts most evenings around twilight. The feathered performer sings and shows off his … Continue reading
Tag Archives: courtship
This week’s Ripples was written by Anna Hall, Woodland Dunes Intern from Silver Lake College Early this morning, I had the privilege of witnessing an American Woodcock searching for food in the front yard of the nature center. This is … Continue reading
Sandhill Cranes are among the largest birds in Wisconsin, but imagine just how enormous they must appear through the eyes of a young child. Cranes are intriguing to watch and even though they don’t speak English, we can learn a … Continue reading
The weeks following Valnetine’s Day can be agonizing. In a broad sense time moves along steadily and rapidly, but not quickly enough to satisfy those longing for spring. A walk outside will confirm the coming change of seasons, which is … Continue reading
Even though it’s the middle of winter and seemingly too cold for such things, nature’s soap opera has been unfolding in my neighborhood. I tune in each night, quietly listening to catch the latest happenings. It started about a month … Continue reading